Sheriff's Citizen Academy

Applications are being accepted at this time.


Academy is held from September - December of Each Year


Provide citizens of Dodge County hands on experience into the daily operations of the Dodge County Sheriff's Office.


  1. You must be 18 years of age or older.
  2. You must be a resident of Dodge County. 
  3. You are subject to a background check.
  4. You must be able to have regular attendance to class.
  5. You must come to class ready with an open mind, a desire to learn and willingness to have fun!

Course Topics:

  • Dodge County Detention Facility — Correctional Officers, Supervisors, Programs Staff and the Treatments Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Director will provide a “behind the scenes” look into what it takes to maintain, run and support DCDF.—
  • OWI Enforcement — Students will ride “shotgun” and see the methodical way deputies come in contact, investigate and arrest those that choose to drive impaired in Dodge County.
  • Crash Investigation — Crash Investigation Team (CIT) members will introduce academy students to the complexity of motor vehicle crashes. CIT members will demonstrate the equipment used at motor vehicle crashes. They will also discuss a case to show the extent of work needed to successfully and properly investigate crash scenes.
  • Criminal Investigations — The Detective Division will discuss evidence handling, new technologies and past “high profile” cases and how successful investigations lead to successful prosecution.
  • Firearms/Active Shooter — Students will be given instruction and opportunity to fire different types of firearms used by DOSO. Students will be given a basic class for an active shooting scenario. Afterwards, students will participate in a “simunition” role play involving active shooters. 
  • Communications — Students will be given a tour of the Communication Center and a presentation by the communication staff and shown the difficult task of handling 911 calls.
  • Home Life — Law enforcement is not a job or a career, it is a lifestyle. This profession not only affects the employee but spouses and other relatives. Spouses are invited in to discuss the perils of the job and the anxiety that goes along with it.

Dates and Times:

The academy will be held in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at the Dodge County Sheriff's Office.  Some classes will be held at satellite locations. All safety gear will be provided. A syllabus will be handed out on the first day so that students can dress and plan accordingly for the weather (some events will be held outside). A graduation ceremony will be held upon the completion.

CPA Alumni

After graduation the sheriff's office would like for the alumni to stay active within the department.